Name: Tenkou
Gender: Female
Age: unknown
Birth Date: unknown
Birthplace: Sinistry
Family: unknown
Hair: red, black, and silver
Eyes: silver with a tint of red
Marks: three jewels imbedded under each eye
Home: the Empire Palace
Most Prized Possession: The Pearlis Crown
Hobbies: trying to seduce Kiyoshi, universal domination, and trying to kill Atsumi.
Occupation: empress
Fears: her empire to collapse
Goals: To win over Kiyoshi, rule the entire universe, and kill Atsumi
Positive Characteristics: power
Negative Characteristics: cruelty
Personality: cold-hearted, only tamed by her love for Kiyoshi, Tenkou doesn't realize how evil she is, and thinks she is doing what's best for the universe.
History: Tenkou comes from the peaceful race of the planet Sinistry. Created by the alien race called the "Light", the Sinistry declared pasifism. Since their "creators" were abused severely by the humans, the Sinistry has born hate for them. Tenkou denounced her being a sinistry and grew power hungry when she discovered the Pearlis Crown. Earth was the first planet to be conquered by Tenkou.