Welcome to Bree-chan's Notebook! This place is where you can read and read about my original anime stories (and maybe a few fanfictions if I feel like it ^_^). You also get to check out some of my art for the stories, and maybe submit something of your own. (I take anything, art, midi files, lyrics, two plane tickets to Japan etc.)

Why did I create this site?
Cuz it's fun! :P Need a better reason? I wanted people to actually READ what I've written, just because....well....just because. ^_^ heeheehee. I also like opinions! ^_^ Opinions are cool! Especially when they help me improve!

What's with the blue dude?
I dreeeeew that cool looking stick figure looking blue dude at the front! Actually I copied him from my Bible..^_^;;; (it's one of those devotional Bibles for teens.....aww.....skip it) I thought it gave the place a more original look to it. Plus, I thought it looked kinda cool, so I figured, heck, why not.

Why did I say TWO plane tickets?
Cuz! You see, I gots a friend who loves anime, and if I go to Japan....I dragging her with me. So I don't embaress her, I'll just say......she knows who she is >:) Mwhahaha! ^_^ hehe.

So far all that's here are four original stories (none of them you can actually read). Keep checking back, see what's new, what's going on, and DONATE SOMETHING! ;_; I'm DESPERATE! Vuaaaaahhh!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also, you will see a chart at the top of each introduction page. This is a rating chart. I rate stories using three words: none, mild, and heavy, none being the least, heavy being the most of a certain subject.

Your "friendly" Webmistress:

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